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Hey there! You’ve found me!

I know how it feels to be stuck in a world overflowing with sugar and processed foods. It’s everywhere, and you get it—it’s bad for your health and keeps you from losing weight for good. That inner voice (let's call it our "Sugar Demon") can be relentless, but it doesn’t have to be this way.
I've got your back in the fight against your demon and I'll be guiding you on your path to finding Sugar Silence.


In Association With

Sugar Addiction Logo
No Sugar Nation Logo
Quit Sugar Summit Logo

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Phone: +44 7711160029

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The services of Natalie Rose Coaching are NOT a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. It is your responsibility to seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider before, during and after making lifestyle changes. They can affect your prescriptions and symptoms. Natalie Rose Coaching does not advocate any particular way of eating beyond eliminating / minimising sugar and ultra-processed foods.

© 2025 by Natalie Hugill

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